Wednesday, November 11

Next on the list, my first Halloween spent in NYC!

Before the weekend even started, I went to The Jekyll and Hyde Club, a half a block away from Central Park. From what I've seen, they celebrate Halloween year round.

Also before Halloween, I had to dress up to celebrate at school...a lot of fun! This gave me good enough reason to head over to one of my favorite stores in the city, Ricky's.
For my West Coast followers, Ricky's is kind of like an Aahs, but they have wigs! For $2, they let you try them on. From Marilyn to Betty Boop - it's too much fun! There is never a dull moment spent at Ricky's and I never leave empty-handed! :) At Ricky's, I ended up purchasing a Geisha dress, umbrella, and a short black wig. My makeup was inspired by the poorly, or perfectly, applied Geisha face from Vivienne Westwood's Spring 2010 show. Here's one of the makeup styles she showed.

On Halloween itself, there is no better place to celebrate than in Greenwich Village. Every year they have a parade and close to two million people come to from all over the world to see it. Everyone's dressed in the most outrageous and funny costumes you could ever imagine. If you haven't yet, you have to go at least once.

Here are some pictures from that weekend!

Much love, bloggies!

YorkGirl Geisha

Greenwich Village Parade...

Like I said the best costumes I have ever seen!


  1. hey looks like fun!

    what shoes did u wear???

    luv ya!


  2. Oh my god! Your truly living the best life! I love your costume by the wa...make up looks FABULOUS..haha can't wait to see you soon!

    Love you!!!!

