Wednesday, December 30

I am so sorry my bloggies for not writing you sooner! YorkGirl has been very busy, but that is still no excuse for such delay! As the new year arrives, people typically make resolutions of what they hope to change going forward. So, here is my resolution and promise to you: more posts!

Leave a comment on YorkGirl with your resolutions! I'd love to hear them.


P.S. Here is a super cool website my friend and fellow blogger Gabi sent me - Click here to view! You can see her blog too at - Click here to view!


  1. Well, my resolution is, GET BETTER GRADES IN SPANISH! hahah! Right now I am not doin' so hot...
    Anyways-love the blog Becca-but u already know that! I miss you! Why did u have to leave SSWT??

  2. Becca You know I just LOVE your blog! My resolution is to read more and write more!!!! Thanks a ton for posting a link to my blog!!! <3


  3. Becca---Love the blog! haha. My new years resolution is too get more organized...right now i am a mess! haha...I wanna see you soon tell me when you are in L.A. :)

